Archived News
- 2/7/2023 – EWIB receives the “Non-Profit of the Year” Award from the Greater Norwich Area’s Chamber of Commerce
- 4/1/2023 – Electric Boat Plans to Hire 5K This Year, Partners With High Schools for Recruitment
- The MPI has trained and placed more than 1,000 workers at EB and hundreds more at EB’s local suppliers.
- 4/8/2023 – Electric Boat looking to hire 5,750 new workers this year in CT and RI facilities
- With EB’s high hiring demands this year, the Eastern Workforce Investment Board will offer more programs this year, not just for EB, but for all the manufacturers in the area.
- 4/19/2023 – Face the Facts: Electric Boat to Build Australia’s First Nuclear Powered Submarines
- Rep. Joe Courtney (D-2nd District) explains how Electric Boat in Groton will be involved in a new international deal to build Australia’s first nuclear powered submarines, and the efforts to train and recruit thousands of people to do the work.
- 6/1/2023 – East Lyme gets behind workforce training push
- High school students get opportunity to pursue trades in the classroom.
- 8/21/2023 – More CT employers embrace apprenticeships to tackle labor shortages
- “Osten said she’s seen firsthand the impact of the Eastern CT Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative, run by the Eastern Workforce Investment Board Partnership, which provides no-cost training to address the hiring needs of Electric Boat and other manufacturers in that region.
- 10/11/2023 – With an ‘incredible appetite’ for labor: Electric Boat recruits locally, eyes Hartford and New Haven
- Data obtained from the Eastern Workforce Investment Board – which oversees eastern Connecticut’s primary manufacturing pipeline – indicate that just one in 10 workers who come through the pipeline end up at a local manufacturer. The rest go to EB.
- 10/22/2023 – When it comes to sub jobs, the sky’s the limit
- Reports on EWIB scaling up the Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative (YMPI) to encourage more high school students to learn manufacturing skills. Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-2) is quoted as saying of the YMPI, “This thing is really going to percolate into the other high schools. They’ve got to make this generational. They’re going into the elementary and middle schools, too.”
- 10/24/2023 -Worker Skills Gap Fuels Fight Over $3 Billion US Training System
- Givens Louis-Jean, a participant in Connecticut’s Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative, trains for a well-paying job. This program, funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, aims to fill the nation’s skills gap. However, the program’s effectiveness is debated, as lawmakers grapple with reauthorization amid a tight labor market and economic shifts.
- 11/27/2023 – 2023 Innovator: Murphy leads Electric Boat’s ‘once-in-a- generation’ hiring spree
- Profiles EWIB Board Member Courtney Murphy, highlighting her leadership in Electric Boat’s growth and the vital role the MPI has played in enabling that growth.
- 12/15/2023 – More Bipartisan Wins
- More Bipartisan Wins highlights the advancement of two workforce bills. Federal resources through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) have fueled the success of EWIB’s Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative. The bipartisan Stronger Workforce for America Act (ASWA) and the Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act advanced this week would expand training opportunities to more learners and ensure employers can access high-quality candidates for years to come. This newsletter followed the Congressman’s earlier press release highlighting the draft legislation and quoting EWIB President Michael Nogelo describing the Committee’s passage of the ASWA bill as an important first step toward updating our nation’s primary…
- 1/13/2022 – Eastern Conn. program serves as example as state puts $70 million into workforce training
- The Bulletin article (01/13/22), “Eastern Conn. Program serves as example as state puts $70 million into workforce training.” The article reports on the recently announced (01/05/22) Career ConneCT program. Dr. Kelli Vallieres, CT Office for Workforce Strategy Executive Director, is quoted stating, “. . . the Eastern Connecticut Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative has been an inspiration for Career Connect, as it ‘has gained national recognition, and showed effectiveness when applied in its entirety.’” EWIB President/CEO Mark Hill is quoted throughout the article providing the Board’s position on the state’s historic investment in workforce training.
- 1/14/2022 – Cardona, Courtney visit Groton schools to discuss career and technical education
- 7/4/2022 – Columbia keel laying proves our region gets big things done
- The Day Op-Ed article (07/04/22): “Columbia keel laying proves our region gets big things done.” EWIB and the MPI are noted in the article as, “ . . . help[ing] fuel that blitz, of course.”
- 7/24/2022 – Jobs program a win-win for teens, employers
- The Day front page article (07/24/22), “Jobs program a win-win for teens, employers ~ Younger workers help alleviate labor shortage.” The article informs readers about EWIB’s 2022 Summer Youth Employment Program. EWIB Chairman Chris Jewell is quoted in the article providing the Board’s position on the growing importance the SYEP has on the region’s labor force.
- 8/7/2022 – As the Connecticut jobs picture brightens, some see hope for young workers. Here’s why.
- 8/17/2022 –In Groton, labor secretary praises workforce development program
- Sample of media coverage of U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh visit to the region The Day front page article (08/17/22), “In Groton, labor secretary praises workforce development program ~ Walsh says CareerConneCT should be national example.” Media coverage for the visit was strong and included local, state, and national publications, television, radio, & social media.
- 8/31/2022 -Program to create 6K critical jobs
- “CareerConneCT was modeled after the Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative from Franklin-based Eastern Workforce Investment Board, which is being granted $7.85 million, and is expected to have a similar economic impact.”
- 10/16/2022 -In eastern CT, Electric Boat military contracts launch economic boom
- “…submarine work is now on the upswing once again, and Eastern Connecticut — a region with 41 towns and a population of roughly 435,000 — is steadying for the boom.”
- 10/31/2022 -How to develop the ‘workforce of tomorrow’ for Conn. manufacturers? Start in kindergarten.
- “…the Eastern Workforce Investment Board’s expansion of the Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative […] now trying to spark interest in middle school-aged students.”
- 1/3/2021 – Three Rivers receives grant for EB course
- The Day article (01/03/21), “Three Rivers gets grant for Electric Boat course ~ Collaboration comes as company seeks welding support at Quonset Point site.” The article reports on a contract the College was recently awardedto develop & teach a welding course that includes a U.S. Dept. of the Navy certification to Electric Boat (EB) workers. EWIB and the Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative (MPI) are both named in the article.
- 2/18/2021 – Connecticut needs thousands of skilled workers to build nuclear submarines in coming years. Job training is available for unemployed workers.
- Hartford Courant article (02/18/21): “Connecticut needs thousands of skilled workers to build nuclear submarines in coming years. Job training is available for unemployed workers.”
- 2/26/2021 – Workforce Training a Priority in Southeast CT Ahead of Historic Submarine Production
- NBC CT story (02/26/21), “Workforce Training a Priority in Southeast CT Ahead of Historic Submarine Production ~ Groton-based General Dynamics Electric Boat is facing the largest amount of contracted work in the company’s history.”
- 3/7/2021 – ‘So many success stories’
- Sunday Bulletin front page article, “So many success stories ~ As many industries falter during COVID-19, MPI is filling in-demand manufacturing jobs” (03/07/21). The article focused on its key role in supplying workers to the manufacturing industry.
- 3/27/2021 – Lamont’s commitment to job training delivers early dividends
- 5/5/2021 – Cabinet secretaries hail EB effort, EB touts apprenticeship program for visiting officials
- The Day front page article (05/05/21): “Cabinet secretaries hail EB effort ~ Raimondo, Walsh learn about apprenticeship program during visit.” The article reports on the 05/04/21 visit by the U.S. Secretaries of Labor & Commerce to Electric Boat (EB) to learn about the company’s apprenticeship program. U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney (CT 2nd Dist.) and others noted EWIB and the role of our Eastern CT Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative (MPI) during their remarks.
- 7/25/2021 – Sen. Murphy: Manufacturing is Connecticut’s future, if we’re smart about it
- 9/17/2021 – Courtney: ‘Broken childcare system’ underlines eastern Connecticut hiring woes”
- The Bulletin article (09/17/21), “Courtney: ‘Broken childcare system’ underlines eastern Connecticut hiring woes,” The article lists EWIB and notes EWIB President/CEO Hill providing the Board’s position on utilizing any potential funding received from President Biden’s proposed budget towards an expansion of the MPI to other industry sectors.
- 2/4/2020 Courtney invites Beauregard to State of Union Address
- 3/5/2020 – Pipeline program earns honor
- 7/3/2020 – Connecticut youth employment program expands by $2 million
- The Bulletin article, “Connecticut youth employment program expands by $2 million,” dated Jul. 3, 2020. The article quotes EWIB President Mark Hill providing the Board’s position on the significant impact additional state funding will have on this year’s EWIB Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP).
- 7/4/2020 – Workforce board president steps down
- 7/27/2020 – Education, business leaders seek diversified workforce
- The Day article, “Education. Business leaders seek diversified workforce,” dated: Jul. 27, 2020. The article quotes EWIB President/CEO Mark Hill remarking on the importance of a diversified workforce.
- 12/21/2020 – What do we get for the billions spent on job training? Connecticut wants to know.
- Hartford Business Journal article, “What do we get for the billions spent on job training? Connecticut wants to know.” (12/21/20). The article reports on Connecticut’s workforce development system. EWIB and our Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative (MPI) are named in the article. “’Since it started in 2016, we’ve up-skilled, re-skilled and re-employed over 1,500 people. And in the course of doing that, we’ve generated over $50 million in wages,’ said [Kelli] Vallieres, one of the manufacturing executives who helped develop the pipeline.”
1/6: Manufacturing Pipeline connects seekers, jobs
3/21: RHAM students take to lathes, milling machines in advanced manufacturing class
4/7: Region’s pipeline program paying off
4/17: U.S. Labor secretary lauds local job training program
4/17: Acosta praises training program
5/29: EWIB chief set to retire next year
6/6: Project taking on poverty
7/16: “Pipeline Initiative” Provides Intensive Training For Manufacturing in Eastern Connecticut
9/6: Officials: new Grasso Tech building will prep students for workforce
9/27: Eastern Connecticut’s Manufacturing Pipeline getting rave reviews
9/28: Manufacturing jobs grow in eastern Conn.
10/10: Eastern Connecticut leads state in manufacturing job growth
10/14: Seasons: Making things right
10/19: Healthcare officials consider nursing pipeline
11/30: Region to get plastics manufacturing training program
- “Skill Up, which has trained about 100 people and placed about 50 in manufacturing jobs, is modeled after the Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board’s (EWIB) four-year-old Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative, which is considered an industry gold standard. EWIB received $3.5 million in Apprenticeship Connecticut funds during the initiative’s first year.”
1/11: Osten right about preparing for EB growth
2/11: Solving Connecticut’s workforce challenge requires focus, collaboration
5/21: Employment & Training Reporter
5/27: NFA students join pipeline of talent
6/27: More girls ‘go for it’ in mostly male fields
7/17: Officials celebrate new job center in Montville, talk manufacturing gains
7/29: Job center invaluable to region
8/18: EWIB: Your Pipeline to Employee Success
8/27: Building Connecticut’s Workforce Pipeline
10/30: Business leaders discuss successes, challenges of growing the workforce
11/29: seCTer breakfast focuses on region’s strengths
12/25: New Program Offers Connecticut Workers Job Opportunities in Manufacturing
2/27: Job training funds are focus of report, bill
3/5: Report: New job growth needs region’s support
3/27: Senator Murphy Presses Labor Secretary Nominee on Job Training
4/6: Region gets good news on jobs
6/21: Business Express: Manufacturing’s Comeback Story
7/5: Military ramp-up challenges EB, Pratt to find skilled workers
7/14: Local money saves part of youth summer jobs program
7/23: Filling 14,000 Electric Boat Jobs Is Work
9/5: Health Profession Opportunity Grants – Efficiency and effectiveness go hand in hand.
9/17: In EB’s shadow, smaller manufacturers tackle skills gap
2/22: EB investing to recruit and train new employees as it expands
4/18: Electric Boat to Hire Thousands as Military Strategy Shifts Back to Subs
4/22: Bill calls for study of casino job losses
6/4: Federal officials visit manufacturing sector
6/5: Electric Boat plans major hiring expansion to tackle sub ramp up
5/3: Recreating a Workforce: Electric Boat Looks to the Future
5/7: New training program tailored to EB work holds first graduation
7/7: Job Program for New London youth kicks off
10/7: US Rep Courtney: A ‘Manufacturing Pipeline’ to train new workers
3/5: Job centers yield employment of 10,000 throughout the region
5/29: US labor chief touts EB workforce development
6/26: Manufacturing Pipeline a boost for workforce, EB
6/27: Murphy promotes ‘buy American’ amendment
7/9: Federal designation will aide state’s manufacturers
7/31: Summer jobs program gets work for 400 young people
9/24: Local job centers will stay open
9/30: Region’s manufacturing pipeline to get $6 million push from grant